"When you are whole hearted about something, however, when you are where you want to be and are participating fully in the moment you are in - sometimes enthusiastic, sometimes mellow, you will experience a new sense of aliveness. You will experience a surge of energy, renewed vigor. This is not because there is actually an increase in energy, but because you are not constricting it quite so much. There is now a better energy flow. There is less conflict, less friction, less not wanting to be where you are, and therefore= for you there will be an experience of more energy." -Erich Schiffmann. Moving into Stillness.
Such a beautiful way of putting it, such a beautiful state to be in, and how I feel when dancing or teaching.
Once we have laid out the pathways of movements for class, starting very slow to feel into the texture of transitions….
Once we come to know the music - its emotion and rhythms;
After we practice again and again to lay down the groove,
The dance becomes smoother and more subtle, it deepens within us and becomes our own unique expression, and we begin to flow more easily with our own life force energy, gently dancing our way to greater vitality.
#reiki #bellydance #presence #practice #peace #vitality #wholehearted