Dancing with The World


This month we entered an exploratory creative zone in my dance classes, blending universal energies from the system of Tarot with belly dance movements and choreographic phrases.

The World is the last card of the Major Arcana, in which the Fool completes their journey, finding their magic, power and freedom within the wholeness of their own being. 

Here are the movement highlights from our latest class inspired by The World.

    1. We created spaciousness in the body by tuning into our breath and harmonizing it with movement. 

    2. Mel's creative "Dance of the World" in which we activated aspects of the card, setting energies depicted free within our movement.  We stepped into our safe wreath to celebrate our freedom of movement, to move in our authority.  We moved into the initial pose like the figure on the card, tracing the winding pathway of the flowing scarf around our body and lifted by soft breeze.  We felt into the four directions and danced the four elements of the four fixed signs pictured on the card -- Taurus (earthy sensuality), Libra (balanced mind), Scorpio (emotional watery undulations and eights), and Leo (fire essence - ruled by the sun - proud, bold, fiery movement choices and energies).

    3. When it comes up in a reading, The World card can mean travel is afoot.  Thus we practiced traveling steps such as 

  •     "On the Prowl" - a heel to toe cougar glide experience and opposite arm and leg worked together to propel us along the dance floor.  
  •     "Rolling Shoulders" - a toe to heel walk along where we rolled our shoulder which each gentle footfall.
  •     "Triplet traveling textures"... There are a myriad of ways to travel your triplets .. we highlighted the "As Above, So Below" Variety where the "In the Clouds Triplet" step on relevé with arms flowing back and forth up high contrasted with the "Earthy Hips" Triplet step with grounded flat feet, hips swaying with each step.
  •     "Two Worlds Meet" - We set up Two Worlds facing each other from across the dance floor - The "Step Hip" world and the "Tripleteers." They had to dance toward each other in their respective dance languages, circle one another in a friendly energy then keep moving to the other side of the room.

Here's another way I have interpreted The World Card- 

In her Book The Tarot Handbook, Angeles Arrien writes of The Universe (#21) (another version of the World Card):

"In order to make a contribution in the world with our inherent talents, we must trust our ability to express love with wisdom (the Empress). Love with wisdom can be expressed when we are willing to break limiting patterns (The Hanged Man), release old sorrows (3 of swords), be clear on our priorities (3 of disks), express our integrity (3 of Wands) and communicate respectfully (3 of Cups)."

If you are interested in bringing your energetic system into more harmonious balance through a Reiki session, Tarot or oracle card reading, guided journey or dance movement medicine, please visit www.moodystreetcircus.com/speakeasyreiki - enter the password "abracadabra" - and submit your interest form.

* For entertainment purposes only. Greater well-being may result.

All my best,