Pisces is Mutable Water...
Release control and trust where life is taking you
Pay attention to your intuition
Pay attention to your dreams
Coalesce intentions around healing past wounds and spiritual growth
Release the need to over analyze and over control
Watch for wishful thinking
Pisces is often depicted as Two Fish....
Random Facts I lightly researched today
Pisces is latin name for Fish
on fish gills:
Most fish have gills. These allow the fish to breathe oxygen by extracting it from water.
From Google:
Fish take in water through their mouth, and it passes across the gills on its way out. When it does, oxygen gets diffused into the bloodstream and travels through the fish's body.
This got me considering how fetuses breathe in utero - it is not through gills...
"the umbilical cord provides the baby with oxygen until the first breath after birth. Lung development begins early in pregnancy, but is not complete until the third trimester."
Most of us don't remember our very first breath, but how important was that rite of passage. That marked the moment we went from swimming in an unconscious sea of creation to independently taking in the air of Earth's realm of duality.
Piscean energy is subtle, spiritual, psychic, emotional, imaginative, symbolic, dreamy...
My intuitive impulse to research fish gills and breathing in utero was clearly telling me something about how important it would be to tune into our breathing apparatus for moon ritual class this evening...
In order to get into a Piscean state of consciousness, it helps to gently breathe your way a relaxed expanded field in which the small mind settles, suspends its judgments and analysis, surrenders its material concerns and merges with a larger sense of energetic presence...
It is within this field we will dance.