Healing Dance

How you begin matters.

There is a prologue:  
First find breath, peace & center within yourself
Enter the dance space
with energized reverence. 

You are in charge of setting the energy of the stage - don't let the stage or setting dominate you.  

You are a queen and deserve to be there, you will receive sacred attention from your subjects, you have beautiful energy to offer and secrets to reveal in the symbols of movement.

Keep breathing throughout and smiling in your heart.

Never apologize for taking up space or time on a stage. You are there, so own it.  Stay centered in your own pure intention and enjoyment of your movements.  Don't be afraid of stillness or repetition, but let even simple moments be backed by some inner emotion, image or story you have mapped in consciousness.   

You can do a step, hip a thousand ways, each of them with a slightly different texture.

You have a relationship with your music that is sacred, behind anything to do with the audience or even this time-space continuum.  

You are there to enjoy yourself, and in doing so you please them.  For slow moves take your time, follow your hands with your eyes, be conscious and present.  

You are unaffected by the lower registers of the audience; lower registers slide off of your golden light emanation to be transformed.  

Keep always to your highest ground.  Send out the purest energy and intention as you dance and the audience will tune itself to your frequency.  

In this way the dance can be a collective healing.

Melina as The Hermit
We are in a Universal Year 9
Be True to You & Shine your Light