Card Readings

When was the last time you consulted the oracle for a quick conversational reading about what to do about a particular situation?  I was inspired to do just that after reading about Normandi Ellis' "Sphinx spread."  

Last month I was hired to dance for a big party event on New Year's Eve. There have been some unusual discordant energies and minor set backs thread into the process, like the producer canceling out of nowhere on Christmas Day and then rehiring me for the event four hours later with murky explanation.  There is much behind the scenes that is not clear to me, but as a lifelong professional I always have a contract and keep my word. Through this tricky situation I have learned that I need to add some clauses to the contract (thank you Stina). I am always learning valuable new lessons, and for that I am grateful.

I want to end 2024 by reflecting and honoring all the choices I have made this year, thanking the experiences I have had and celebrating all the ways I have used my energetic tools to alchemize and transcend challenges.  I want to usher in 2025 in hope and joy and dance.  This year's New Year's Eve gig experience with its odd vibrations has brought me a latent sense of anxiety which I want to resolve before proceeding, so I brought my question to the cards.

This NYE tarot question and draw inspired by Normandi Ellis. 

The Sphinx spread is a three card spread - So and so (noun) does (verb) and this happens (object) 

(see the book Hieroglyphic Words of Power by Normandi Ellis)


“What can I do about my New Year’s Eve gig?”

 1. Noun. 3 of Wands.  Keywords: Create. Element of Fire. Life force energy. The artist and creator of positive events stands gazing at the horizon.  She is experienced and has done many different textures of events in the past (see the patchwork of the cloak). She has her hand on the wand of excitement, aliveness and potential action.  She is always able to create a beautiful show even when setbacks occur. The golden sun illuminates the landscape in front of her.  Nothing truly important is hidden from her.

2. Verb. 10 of cups. Keywords: New beginning.  Celebration.  Element of Water. Feeling. Relationships.  I'm going to make up a verb: "New Yearing" It is the intention and action of celebrating a New Year while simultaneously releasing the old year. Ten breaks down to one in numerology. 1 is clear: a new beginning is at hand.  The start of 2025.  In the card I see celebration through families dancing together - I feel joy, togetherness & open hearts.  In the upraised hands of the couple, I see the magic of the hieroglyph Heka, which is about honoring ourselves as channels of magic and about leaving space to receive cosmic intelligence into our hearts.  This is the frequency I want to dance in and will dance in. You can create this magic no matter what and children will always dance near you. My frequency of joy is strong. I can dance no matter what and get others up dancing.The verb is, without question, to dance in celebration. 

  1. What happens. 0. The Fool. Key words: Courage, Risk, Innocence, Leap of Faith. Object. What happens is a leap of faith. Keep the open heart of an innocent. Leave all the questions behind. Set forth not knowing or needing to know.  All who attend the event also do not know - but they also go forth anyway. It’s a risk worth taking. Look to the planets on that day and bring your Isis wings. 

And so I shall.

Photo below is of my daughter dancing with her Isis Wings when she was 7.    
Freedom, courage, innocence, wisdom & purity & life.

In addition to my ceremonial entertainment work I am a certified Oracle card reader & wellness coach. I do readings (for entertainment purposes only) through my website's Card Reading portal. If you have a question and are intrigued by the concept of an Energetic Alchemy reading - inquire there!

Enjoy your dance!

 “In the midst of our technical troubles, we must always remember that the most important technique in dance is the love of dance.  If you are “in love” with moving, your technique improves and you are capable of expressing beautiful things”- Eric Franklin