The Winter Solstice is a time of transition, the longest night of the year before the days grow longer into the next two seasons.
For this solstice I felt like celebrating the depths of night wisdom. I wanted to explore how Hekate and Persephone goddesses, dreams, shadow could inform a dance class in a way that helped dancers tune into this pivotal moment of Nature & their own bodies.
Then, as the days grow longer and Spring rears up from the soil, we are directing actions from a deep well of bubbling fresh spring water that has been refreshed by the pause of darkness & the soft light of the moon.
This year I have been learning from Hekate, the triple moon goddess. She is a powerful guide who gets to the root of all issues. You can't dance around issues with Hekate. There is no BS ing her. This year her energy has urged me to look under the rock of long-buried emotions, to sit with even the smallest fears, doubts and discomforts to see what lessons they hold. Once you choose Hekate as a coach, you can rescue yourself from most quandaries and grow your personal power. It might not always be comfortable, but it will be worth it.
So - with Veils - Myth - Imagery - dreams - appreciation for dark and light - we will be dancing with the Solstice.
The moon will be in her waning phase, a perfect time to allow dead skin to fly off with gentle earthquake shimmies.
In Chinese medicine, winter is considered a Yin, not a Yang, season. A time for rest, reflection, inferiority. We'll embrace the mysteries and delights of darkness by flowing with concealing veils.
We will be creating an altar of candle light to close, setting intention for how we want to use our energy for the new dawn and days ahead.