Breathing Goddess


The breathing goddess - one of my favorite cards from the The Energetic Alchemist Oracle Card Deck by Yolanda Williams - relaxes & enjoys life.  She appreciates the simple gifts that surround her.  She represents our connection to - our embodiment of - Delicious, Wild Nature and the Cosmos.  She has a wonderful and loving relationship with herself, adore-ning her hips and head in roses, Aphrodite’s shell, golden jewelry at the heart and wrists, and a cosmic wreath of 12 zodiac stars.  

She invites us to savor the simple treasures that surround us, in harmony with our own nature.  

She understands breath as a pathway to presence and peace.   

As a belly dancer she shows the beauty of hara - her navel - sacred center of her being - the wombiverse from which we all spring.

She knows she is worthy of abundance and opens her hands to receive!

Tune into her energy to tap into your creativity

to cultivate strength

to be a magnet for unexpected gifts and pleasures.

Follow her lead: step out of your analytical mind and drop into a relaxed body at peace with the energies that flow through.